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    Natural Ways to Relieve Vaginal Odor

     Natural Ways to Relieve Vaginal Odor

    Vaginal odor is a fairly common problem that most women have at least once or twice in their lives. So don't get depressed by thinking that it's just yourself. Bacterial growth, fungal infections, lack of hygiene, hormonal changes, and sexually transmitted diseases may be the cause of this smell. If the odor is caused by infection, there are symptoms of redness, burning, itching and irritation in the vaginal area. Before deciding which way to remove vaginal odor, you should ask yourself the following questions;

    • Is there a discharge that smells more than normal? If your answer to this question is yes, then you probably have a smell caused by bacterial growth or fungal infection.
    • Have you recently started a new drug or have consumed an extremely spicy food recently?  These factors can cause changes in vaginal secretions, causing an odor that is more than normal.
    • Have you had an unprotected relationship with your partner recently? If your answer is yes, then there may be an odor caused by sexually transmitted diseases.
    • Have you changed laundry detergents recently? Some detergents can make your underwear more irritating and irritate your vaginal area. There may be odors caused by this reason.

    Below we have listed the 8 best natural ways to remove vaginal odor;

    1. Carbonate

    Carbonate has the ability to balance the pH value in the body. When the pH value in the body is balanced, the scent will dissipate.

    • If you have a bathtub in the bathroom, fill it with hot water and add half a glass of baking soda in it.
    • Then soak your lower body in this water for 20 minutes.
    • After the time is over, dry yourself thoroughly with a clean towel.
    • It is especially effective for dispersing the odor caused by fungal infections.

    2. Yogurt

    Especially, organic yogurt is very effective in eliminating the vaginal odor caused by fungal and bacterial growth due to the bacteria it contains.

    Eating two bowls of plain yogurt each day will help you fight odor.

    After dipping a tampon in yogurt, insert it into your vagina so that it stays there overnight. When you get up in the morning, take it off, rinse the area thoroughly and dry it.

    3.White Vinegar

    White vinegar has the power to neutralize odor by breaking down odor proteins. You can rinse with white vinegar in other methods you have tried.

    • Fill the tub with lukewarm water. Put half a glass of white vinegar and a teaspoon of salt in it.
    • Soak in the bathtub and soak for 5 minutes.
    • Follow this recipe several times a week.

    4. Fenugreek

    Fenugreek is a miraculous medicinal herb and can be used to naturally treat many ailments, including vaginal odor.

    • Soak 2 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in a very glass of water nightlong.
    • When you get up in the morning, strain this water and drink it on an empty stomach.
    • Repeat this process daily for 2 weeks.

    5. Apple Cider Vinegar

    Apple cider vinegar is one of the most well-known deodorizing methods. Thanks to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties, it helps scent dispersion.

    Mix one or 2 tablespoons of apple vinegar with a glass of water and drink it daily.

    Add 2 glasses of apple cider vinegar to the warm water you fill in the bathtub and wait for 15-20 minutes. Repeat this method many times per week.

    6. Laurel Oil

    Indian Laurel oil has a fungicidal effect. It is also effective for removing odors caused by bacterial growth.

    Add 3 drops of Indian Laurel oil to a glass of water. Rinse the vaginal area daily with this water.

    Alternatively, soak a tampon in olive oil and add a few drops of Indian Laurel oil on top. Place this tampon in the vagina and wait 1 hour.

    7.English Salt

    In the bath, fill the tub with warm water and add a tablespoon of English salt.

    Get in the bathtub and soak in this water for 10 minutes.

    Repeat this process 3 times a week to see the maximum effect.


    The natural antibiotic garlic will also help you fight unwanted vaginal odor.

    Consume garlic daily, either raw or cooked, during the days when you suffer from fragrance. To increase the effect of eating one or two raw garlic cloves on an empty stomach and then drink a glass of warm water. You can think of it as a daily antibiotic treatment.

    While applying these natural methods, besides these, there are some things you can be careful about to avoid odor;

    1. If this discomfort continues for more than 1-2 weeks, definitely see a specialist.

    2. Avoid washing too much, as excessive washing may disrupt the pH balance of the vaginal area and cause odor.

    3. Some scented pads can trigger fungal growth. Before using these types of pads, carefully investigate whether they cause fungus.

    4. Be careful to choose cotton clothes instead of nylon clothes.

    5. Do not let your hair in the vaginal area stay too long.

    6. Accelerate the removal of toxins and bacteria from the body by increasing your daily water consumption.

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