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    What is Prostate Inflammation?

    What is Prostate Inflammation? Prostate Inflammation Treatment


    What is Prostate Inflammation?
    What is Prostate Inflammation?

    Prostate Inflammation is divided into two as chronic and acute. Prostate Inflammation manifests itself with pain, burning and pain during urination. While this disease sometimes progresses rapidly, sometimes it progresses without any indication of its existence.

    Prostate inflammation is a serious disease that needs to be treated immediately. If this disease is suspected, the treatment is easily performed if a doctor is visited.

    Prostate Inflammation Treatment

    We mentioned that Prostate Inflammation is divided into two as chronic and acute. First, let's talk about chronic prostatitis that progresses without revealing itself.

    Chronic Prostate Inflammation

    Drug treatment is usually applied against this inflammation. When the patient uses antibiotics for about 1.5 months, he / she gets rid of chronic prostatitis completely. If the inflammation does not disappear during this period or if the inflammation reappears in the future, the drug use is continued. Some medicines should be used against the swelling caused by this inflammation. Your specialist will recommend these drugs to you.

    Acute Prostate Inflammation

    For the treatment of this inflammation, the patient's condition is first considered. If fever or any adverse condition occurs due to the disease, the patient is treated in the hospital under the supervision of a doctor. People with this inflammation should be treated in bed. Acute prostatitis patients are given various medications by mouth. If the patient is not able to take the drug orally, the drug is administered intravenously.

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