12 tips for maintaining good health in the workplace
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Although most of the people area unit conversant in the construct of "physical health", they typically dump emotional and mental health. Your body is important, but it's not the only part of you you need to focus on. Emotional and mental health are vital to having a healthy relationship with yourself and others. These three aspects of your health play an important role in achieving well-being.
You may not be happy that you are in the office all day, but it is important to pay attention to all aspects of your health. When you do not feel completely healthy, your mood drops, as does the quality of your work. People who have reached a state of well-being are often happier and more successful in their endeavors. These are the people who are ready to change the world for the better.
Physical health usually receives more attention than emotional and mental. How can you improve them in the office? Find out now:
Physical health
Physical health is about taking care of your body. In the midst of your physical health, you need to be full of life and energy, instead of feeling unhappy while sitting at your desk. When your body suffers, then different components of your life area unit affected.
If you do not take proper care of your body, it can lead to fatigue, bad mood, lack of energy and poor mental health. These effects can cause a sharp decline in the quality of your work.
Get enough sleep - this advice seems simple in words, but in practice it is much more difficult. Get the necessary hours of sleep. Try to prepare for the next day the night before so you can get some more sleep and get ready for work. For example, prepare your clothes and lunch before going to bed.
Exercise - after a long day of work, going to the gym sounds awful. But exercise is important because it releases endorphins and boosts your mood. Consider moving during the day, taking short breaks to walk around the office, rather than sitting in a chair all day. Try taking a walk outside during your lunch break to breathe fresh air.
Prepare lunch at home - In the evening before work, prepare and pack a healthy lunch. This way you will not be in a hurry to prepare lunch in the morning and you will have more time. It also reduces the chance of being tempted to go out and buy something from the "fast food" during the lunch break.
Drink more water and less coffee - most people start working after drinking coffee. Although it provides the energy needed to wake up in the morning, drinking too much coffee can make you feel nervous and have trouble sleeping. Stay hydrated by drinking at least one cup of water after each cup of coffee. Also, do not drink more than two cups of coffee a day and try to do it before lunch. This way you can reduce your caffeine addiction and be hydrated enough. Your body will feel much better.
Emotional health
If you are emotionally healthy, then you need to feel the balance of your relationships with others and your emotions should not drastically interfere with your life. When your emotional health is not at its best, it can lead to feelings of isolation, interpersonal conflicts, being overwhelmed and lacking in sense of purpose. This, in turn, can affect your work by reducing your motivation and causing negative reactions.
Talk to colleagues - find time to talk to your colleagues, whether it's during lunch, in the rest room or briefly in your offices. You can share some of your problems with someone who understands your work environment. These conversations can unload you. Also, then is the right time to ask for information and opinion on something to work on.
Set goals - try to make a list of your goals and put it somewhere on your desk where you can see it. These goals can be professional or personal, as well as long-term and short-term. Mark each achievement in the list to see progress. This list is a good way to remind you of what you work for and what you have already done.
Find meaning in your work - the concept of "meaning" is abstract and really depends on what matters to you. If you find meaning in your work, then you will have the feeling that you have a goal and you will have a positive perspective and motivation for what you do.
Ask for help - some problems seem to have no solution and you feel like you have encountered a brick wall. In these situations, it is best to seek help from a colleague. No one is anticipated to grasp all the answers. Your colleague may have a different point of view and suggest a solution you would not have thought of yourself.
Mental health
You don't have to be diagnosed with anything to be interested in your mental health. This type of health is internal and is only related to your mind. It covers your thoughts and how you deal with everyday life. Poor mental health can occur due to various factors, such as poor physical health. If your mental health weakens, you may experience anxiety, increased stress, a lowered immune system and a feeling of stagnation. These effects can reduce your work performance.
Find a positive "vent" - do not keep all the stress and negative thoughts. These thoughts can make you go to work reluctantly. Your emotions will build up and you will feel unhappy for no reason. Share your worries and feelings with a colleague who can understand why you feel that way. He may be able to help you. However, if the problem is quite serious and affects your work, talk to your boss about it. Don't let it get bigger than necessary and take action to make your office a comfortable place.
Be organized - keep your day organized by planning your tasks for the day. Don't forget to include breaks. They can help you get back on track and give you inspiration. Working non-stop can damage your creativity, so it's important to stop working sometimes. Use the breaks to walk, go out, talk briefly with colleagues or pour water. Then return to work with rested eyes and a fresh mind.
Sometimes say no - although it's nice to show your bosses that you're passionate about work, sometimes you have to turn down projects or put them off. Remember to give them an explanation instead of flatly denying them. If you are overwhelmed with too many tasks, then your work will not be effective or completely done. Stress does not make the project better. It is better to redirect it to someone who can take the right time for the task.
Reward yourself - if you have done your job well, then reward yourself for it. You deserve recognition for your hard work. A reward can give you motivation to work better in the future. Also, when you evaluate your achievements, you will lift your mood and increase your self-confidence.
These tips do not require a complete change in your life, but rather are small ideas that you can include in your day. The feeling of well-being is extremely important for happiness. It is also important to understand that there are other parts of your health that are not easily noticed. Take care of yourself first and then the rest will fall into place. You will feel much better when you are healthy in all aspects of your life.
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