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    How To Do Yoga?

    How To Do Yoga?

    How To Do Yoga?

    How To Do Yoga?

    How to do yoga , which is determined as an activity to relieve the tiredness of working life and for those who want to get fit It is important to note that yoga, which is known to be practiced at home instead of gyms, is very beneficial, as most people do not have time. Yoga, which is among the types of sports; It is made in order to keep the body in shape, to avoid the chaos of life and to do sports.

    About Yoga

    Spiritual, mental and physical, yoga originated in India. Yoga; It is done in order to reach calmness in the soul and mind with meditation and poses. The benefits it provides along with its physical application show spiritual and mental effects.

    What are the Stages of Yoga?

    Yoga; It can be expressed as a journey with the body and mind. In this case, it is quite common to use a "journey" analogy in the name of yoga. There are 8 stages that students go through in yoga teaching.

    These are respectively;

    • Yama : It is the first step of the 8-step yoga journey, also known as the withdrawal; It consists of universal moral discipline such as righteousness, non-harm, self-control, not stealing.
    • Niyama : Niyama, designated as the second step, is a sign of individual discipline. This step, also known as observation; It has disciplines such as reading, being naive, being thankful, and remembering.
    • Asana : It means yoga posture or yoga pose.
    • Pranayama : This step is about breathing. Breath is the life energy for yoga.
    • Pratyahara : This step, known as the fifth step of yoga, is also known as isolation and means to retract the sense organs or emotions.
    • Dharana : This stage is associated with focus and concentration.
    • Dhyana : Dhyana, the seventh step in the yoga journey, is also called meditation.
    • Samadhi : This step is the final step. This name is given to the step of enlightenment. The aim of this step, also known as liberation, is to bring the object of meditation and consciousness together.

    The stages of yoga are like this.

    Suggestions for Practicing Yoga at Home

    It will be sufficient to have the necessary equipment to practice yoga at home. Yoga mat and yoga DVDs are available for this. Apart from that, it is possible to practice yoga via the Internet.

    Things to Consider While Practicing Yoga

    It will be important to do it every day at the same time in order to get the highest efficiency from yoga. We hope that the questions on the minds of those who wonder what is yoga have been answered in this article.