How to yoga with weight loss
How to yoga with weight loss
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How to yoga with weight loss |
Yoga today; While providing mental and physical relaxation, it has become one of the most preferred fashion sports for those who seek to be happy and give happiness. The number of people who think that yoga, known as meditation among the people, is performed only for relaxation and emptying the mind, is quite high. If you think this way and you still don't know that you can lose weight with yoga poses, you can be sure that your opinion will change completely at the end of the article. Okay, yoga may be the last sport you should choose to lose weight. It causes much less calorie burning compared to gym sports. However, it is not about doing yoga to lose weight, but the fact that you can lose weight even while doing yoga with the right yoga poses and mental belief.
If you put the responsibilities of losing weight on yoga, you will move away from the nature of yoga. People do yoga to relax, purify, and feel better. In fact, it is a sport branch because it has movements that work muscles and joints, but it is very different from other branches. Because the purpose of doing yoga; does not do better than competitors; to improve yourself. Since it is a very slow and sensible sport, a situation that may cause injury is prevented.
Finish losing head first!
Losing weight in yoga, both mental and physical activities occur completely. You should start by completely internalizing the idea of slimming in the first place. You should repeat your desire to lose weight and your effort on this subject first in your mind, while doing yoga.
Well, we seem to hear you ask if very thin people do yoga will cause them to lose more weight. No, if you have a goal of gaining weight, your body will regain the healthiest form it will reach thanks to yoga. Whatever your intention in yoga is, whatever passes from your heart to your brain will be. Yoga is just a meditation tool, and if you want yoga to help you lose weight, you must first take it in our brains and accept it. Because whatever a person believes, his brain and behavior apply it.
Correct breathing techniques are one of the most important issues to be considered while practicing yoga and especially when weakening. This is something that if you don't breathe properly, you will get tired very quickly during exercise. At the same time, if you are doing yoga for weight loss, the quality of your breathing and the correctness of the way of shopping are of great importance. Breath is one of the cornerstones of yoga. Because when taken and given correctly, you can visibly increase the quality of yoga and the pleasure from yoga.
If you are doing yoga to help you lose weight, you should take it as a whole and pay close attention to your diet. For example, you can create a nutritional routine for yourself by consuming regular and healthy foods. When we look at losing weight mathematically; The amount of calories you spend should be more than the amount of calories you take. For this reason, it is very important to keep energy intake and energy consumption in balance.
Yoga poses are not a very intense type of exercise, but include 75-90 minutes of continuous activity. During this time, the muscles are always working. Muscles lengthen, become stronger and as a result the body gains balance. In order for yoga to be beneficial, it should be done 4-5 times a week. You should also make sure you consume healthy foods regularly.
Choose the right type of yoga to lose weight!
The important thing here is to choose the right type of yoga. If your goal is to lose weight, Ashtanga Yoga , Vinyasa Yoga or Power YogaChoose fluent types such as. Hold your lessons for an average of 90 minutes and stretch your muscles. You will witness day by day that your stretched muscles are freed from their fat over time and have a longer appearance, and you will not believe the change in your body. Of course, regular nutrition is one of the biggest helpers of this change. However, you do not need to take extra care for this. If you are a true yoga lover; As soon as you grasp the philosophy and mentality of yoga, your increased awareness will allow your life style to change, and your body will surrender unconditionally to the need for healthy nutrition brought with this consciousness. This will be your biggest supporter in the way of losing weight with yoga.
If you don't want to gain weight, do yoga!
One of the biggest causes of weight gain is the junk food consumed at the time of nervous breakdowns. Yoga is perfect for those who choose to suppress every emotional explosion they experience with products such as chocolate, sugar and chips. Yoga calms the mind, slows breathing, and reduces feelings of depression and anxiety. Learning how to relax and cope with your emotions can prevent you from overeating. For this reason, yoga contributes to your slimming indirectly.
How does yoga provide benefits to the body while helping to lose weight?
In yoga, every movement is done using the body's own weight. Neither a dumbbell nor any weight has a place in yoga. The greatest contribution of yoga to the body is that it keeps even the hardest working muscles in order and harmony.
Joints, especially the spine, during yoga; it both relaxes and gains much more power by lengthening. This will instantly reflect on your posture, allowing you to have an upright posture.
Lactic acids solidify and tighten the muscle. The lactic acid accumulated after heavy sports is softened and released by yoga. Thus, you will easily get rid of problems such as joint pain and stiffness.
Your connective tissue gets stronger.
It regulates your digestive system by massaging the internal organs.
The Best Yoga Poses for Weight Loss
1. Warrior Woman Yoga Pose
It is a yoga posture that helps to lose weight fast. Strengthens back, thigh and hip muscles. If you are complaining about your cellulite, this move is for you!
How is it done?
Extend your right foot straight and bend your left knee slightly.
Shoulders should be straight. Inhale, raise your arms.
Wait 30 seconds. Do the same movement as the other leg.
2. Armed Yoga Movement
The hardest fats to burn can even burn side belly fat with it! You can burn lateral and inner belly fat by making a gun action.
How is it done?
Make a gun action by bringing your hands together above your head.
Stretch to the side.
Apply the same movement to the other side.
Wait 30 seconds during each stretch.
3.Tree Yoga Movement
With this movement, you will have long and strong leg muscles. It also works out your abdominal, waist and hip muscles.
How is it done?
Stand on both feet.
Put your weight on your right foot and lift your other foot in the air. Place your foot in the inner hip area.
Put your hands together above your head. Wait like this for 30 seconds. Then do the same movement with the other leg.
4. Chair Yoga Exercises
The chair, which takes its name from the chair it resembles, The chair movement works the waist, hip, butt and abdominal muscles and helps you gain flexibility.
How is it done?
First raise your hands to the air while doing this movement which is very similar to a squat.
Try to slowly bend your knees until your hip area is parallel to the floor.
Wait 30 seconds for 1-2 attempts, 1 minute after the 3rd attempt, and 30 seconds like this.
5. Forward Bending Yoga Movement
The forward bending movement is very effective in losing weight. For flat and strong abdominal muscles, you can apply it in sets of 20 at different times of the day.
How is it done?
Bring the feet together and bring them together.
Hold hands on waist. Lean forward.
Try to bend enough that the palms touch the floor next to the feet.
Wait 30 seconds.
Repeat this movement 20 times.
Yoga is the sport of calmness and tranquility, and it differs sharply from sports in other branches with this feature. While all other sports guarantee a fit body and weight loss, yoga promises both weight loss and mental relaxation. There is no other sport that can do both together!
To benefit from this unique nature of yoga and have a healthier body, start doing it by determining the most suitable yoga type and yoga poses.
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